Do you think it's ever too old to be a gamer?

Ja sa bong

Apr 2, 2023
What do you make of some people's opinions who see adults playing video games as being too childish? According to them, playing video games is a thing for kids and not adults.

Do you agree or disagree with their opinion or you don't care about what they think?

How long do you plan on playing video games?
The older generations could not play video games because they they were growing up video games were not available or were not very popular. This does not mean they are too old to play games. Anyone can play games
I see a lot of old people playing games. Gaming is something that people do for fun and entertainment, and there is no age limit for having fund o getting daily dose of entertainment.
I'm very sure that I would be healthy to play till my 70s' if I'm still alive by then. No one holds their life to know how long they're going to live but as long as I stay up to 70 years of age, I'll keep playing.